Eeek I’m still finding it uncomfortable but I’m persisting!

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Eeek I’m still finding it uncomfortable but I’m persisting!

About 4 weeks ago I stopped wearing concealer and bronzer in an attempt to hide my blemishes.

I decided to stop being ashamed of my own face and to learn to love myself despite my imperfections.

Every picture I’ve posted since then has been without make up (aside from a little mascara), without a filter and without an app to remove the blemishes.

Yep I went to a lot of effort to cover up my own face, I carried a lot of shame!

I’m still a bit self conscious when I post the pictures but it’s getting less uncomfortable.

Day by day, little bit by little bit I’m becoming more and more comfortable in my own true skin.

And it feels really good.

I’ve replaced shame for feeling proud to be me exactly as I am today ❤️

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