“Usually I am the kind of person that goes all in, even when my body says no but I was pretty good at saying no I can’t right now.
I am just a little bit proud of myself for actually listening to myself rather than feeling I need to do everything because it’s expected of me.”
This is a huge win for my client who attended her first yoga retreat at the weekend ?
When this beautiful soul started coaching with me just 6 weeks ago one of her big areas for working on was her self proclaimed inability to listen to herself.
We have created a shift in her way of being which will have an amazing positive ripple affect across the rest of her life too because how we do one thing is how we do everything!
When you choose to co-create with me you are guaranteed ? to get clarity on what within your belief system is holding you back and keeping you stuck in a loop of unwanted patterns.
Are you ready to welcome in new beliefs and new behaviours that fuel your recovery from OVERWHELM, ANXIETY, STRESS and BURNOUT to LIVING HEALTHILY, HAPPILY AND WITH VITALITY?
If you are a F*CK YEAH message me to ask about the two 1-2-1 Coaching spots I have available right now and I might just let you in on a new exciting offer I am currently baking too?
And remember to download my FREE eBook –
Top 10 Tips To Permanently Shift From Burnout To Living With Vitality