Burnout finally recognised!


The World Health Organisation has classified burnout as a syndrome.

Currently it is only considered a workplace phenomenon and does not capture burnout outside of work but it’s massive progress.

During my burnout it was very hard to get a medical diagnosis which I found only contributed to the burnout.

I felt I had an invisible condition that people couldn’t see nor understand and therefore I assumed they thought I was making it up or exaggerating…

But I can assure you all the symptoms I experienced felt very real –

Disturbed sleep
Low energy
Digestive issues
Chronic fatigue
Lack of motivation
Reduced productivity
Foggy brain

Whether it was my personal life or work life that was the cause of my burnout is irrelevant. One simply bleeds into the other!

But the fact that burnout has been recognised by the medical community is a big step forward.

Knowing what I was dealing with has allowed me to take the necessary steps to recover.

Now I wake up full of energy, I love life and I feel younger now that I did ten years ago.

If you think that you might be suffering from or heading towards burnout then PM me to see if I can help you.

From experience I can tell you that the sooner you address it the quicker you will recover!

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