Do you deserve your success?

passion positivity health resilience growth freedom intuition happiness confidence freedom (5)

Do you deserve your success?

No doubt you do, you worked hard for it, but that doesn’t mean you don’t feel like a fraud…

Maybe you feel you climbed the ladder through luck, a fluke or being in the right place at the right time rather than skill.

Do you find it hard to accept a compliment on your work, instead focusing on what you could have done better?

Maybe you’re afraid you’ll lose your drive if you allow yourself to acknowledge a job well done?

I can understand that, for a long time I wanted to be my own biggest critic. I felt it kept me in a state of pushing harder, more motivated to achieve my goals.

But there is a tipping point. A point when it starts to hold you back rather than move you forward.

The point where your negative inner chat becomes so loud you can’t hear yourself think.

Why not try keeping a positive feedback log.

Evidence and a record of the reasons why you deserve the success you have worked hard for, and refer back to it when you find you are doubting yourself.

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