Does success equal stress?

passion positivity health resilience growth freedom intuition happiness confidence freedom (4)

Does success equal stress?

Yes, if what underpins your success is drive and motivation based on self doubt and lack of self belief…

As you climb the ranks that imposter syndrome you’ve kept at bay really starts to show its ugly head!

That feeling of being found out that you’re not good enough becomes overwhelming.

You’re working longer hours, spending hours striving for perfect in all that you do, you’re not spending quality time with those you love, you’ve no time for self care and a healthy work/life balance… well what’s that?!

But success doesn’t have to be stressful.

What if you could switch that self doubt and lack of self belief to confidence and knowing your worth?

Imagine knowing that your best is good enough.

Imagine being able to leave the office at a reasonable hour because you know you’ve had a productive and effective day.

Imagine a life where you get to spend time with those you love and doing the things that you love all with energy to spare!

How would that feel?

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