There was an imposter in the building!!

passion positivity health resilience growth freedom intuition happiness confidence freedom (3)

There was an imposter in the building!!

And it was me…

I didn’t deserve the job, I wasn’t skilled enough, I was a fraud.

Surely I would be found out?

Then what? Would they fire me…

My imposter syndrome sky rocketed when I was promoted.

What if I couldn’t deliver on what I’d said I could do?

I felt such shame. Shame that I wasn’t good enough.

I felt very alone in my self doubt, too afraid to share my concerns with my boss or anyone.

But a recent survey shows a staggering 62% of people at work in the UK are affected by imposter syndrome.

So I most definitely wasn’t alone!

But I didn’t even know what imposter syndrome was back then.

Although I definitely felt it with a tightness in my chest and a nagging voice in my head criticising all that I did.

Now I know what it is and I recognise the signs which means I can tackle it.

If I notice I’m procrastinating, being a perfectionist or working excessive hours I know my inner critic is at work.

In those moments I review positive feedback, remind myself of my skills and achievements and remember to give myself the benefit of the doubt.

I’m also a lot more open these days sharing my concerns with my coach so that I can work through them.

There’s truth in the old saying a problem shared is a problem halved!

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