Natalie Shaul013

So you want to have a flatter stomach, drop a few pounds, have more energy and feel healthier?

But how committed are you?

Be honest…

Committed enough to give up alcohol for a while?

Committed enough to give up one of your favourite foods?

Committed enough to make different choices when you eat out?

Committed enough to push through temptation?

Committed enough to make time for exercise?

If your answers are no then your commitment to achieving your goal is low.

And that’s ok but be honest with yourself. Your desire to have those things is greater than your desire to reach your goal…

The stuff worth having rarely comes easy!

Achieving goals requires commitment, dedication and sacrifice.

I have an autoimmune condition and it was really out of hand. In order to heal I had to make big sacrifices and go without many things.

For a three month period I had no grains, dairy, sugar, legumes (beans, peas, seeds, nuts), nightshades (tomatoes, peppers, chilli, potatoes, aubergine, spices), fruit, coloured veg, processed food and alcohol.

It was bloody hard and some days I felt miserable as f*ck!

So what kept me going?

My commitment to my goal – to be well. I was crystal clear on my ‘why’.

I was sick of being sick and tired of being tired and so I gave ?

I can tell you no food or drink tastes better than feeling well feels!

I’m still grain, dairy, beans, peas, spices, nuts, sugar and processed foods free and the rest I have in moderation. This is my commitment to maintaining my health.

Don’t get me wrong there are goals I struggle with too and in those moments I have to be honest with myself.

I have to admit that my desire to keep doing what I’m doing is greater than my desire to make the changes needed to hit my goal.

My way of getting round that is to be held accountable. I declare my goals and expect to be called out on my excuses when I don’t take the required steps!

Here are my top tips for smashing goals –

– Understand your why – know why it is you have that goal in the first place. Is it for you or someone else? If it’s the latter it will likely be more of a struggle.

– Be prepared to make sacrifices and put in extra time – great achievement requires great sacrifice.

– Be honest with yourself – question your commitment.

– Be held accountable. Employ someone to call you out on the excuses you make to yourself!


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