I manifested a baby!

I was so freaking scared to acknowledge that I wanted a child because the fear of doing so and it not coming to fruition was too much to bear.

So big was the fear that I had convinced myself I didn’t want to be a mother. That I would be happy to go through my life without becoming a mum.

I told a family member that I didn’t want to have children and her response was – liar!

I was offended! How dare she I thought…
But she was right.

Though I wasn’t knowingly lying to her.

I’d been lying to myself so long and so intensely that I thought it was my truth.

It was my fake truth in a poor and misguided attempt to protect my heart.

So how did I manifest my darling girl?

I sat in a really safe and loving space with an amazing coach and we got curious together and it allowed me to connect with my truth.

We peeled back the protective layers I had built up. It took a willingness on my part and love and guidance on my coaches part, to go there emotionally and there it was…

My hearts desire ❤️

I wanted to be a mummy.

I wanted to experience pregnancy and birthing a child and the love from mother to child.

Only when I was able to connect with my truth was I able to bring my desire into my reality.

What are you denying yourself in a false sense of protection?

Or have you buried your desires so deep even you don’t know anymore, yet you do feel a sense of something being missing and of not being fulfilled?

Let me love and guide you through deep and honest self inquiry so that you too can manifest your deepest wants.

Allow yourself to let go of longing and move into happiness.

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