I’ve found my zest for life

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I was struggling with thyroid related symptoms – low mood, anxiety, poor self esteem & confidence, brain fog, painful joints, numb hands & feet, always cold, teary, gaining weight, exhausted after 12 hours sleep & unable to get through the day without a nap, lethargic & felt beyond lost with little hope. I felt unlikeable & unloveable.

Nat supported me through a diet change & I quickly noticed improvements. I identified over 40 negative beliefs which Nat encourage me to challenge. I was sceptical but open to suggestion on changing my mindset & believe this to be key.

I’ve gained confidence, found my zest for life, am excited about my future, feel that I’ve found my way, accept my imperfections, found peace & learnt how to breathe. I’ve reconnected with old friends, reignited passion for hobbies. I’m lighter emotionally & physically! I’m less worried about what others think of me. I’m being me.

A chance conversation & a conscious decision to invest in me & my future & I couldn’t be more pleased to be living my absolute best, authentic life. I have more clarity, peace, happiness & improved health than I thought possible 4 months ago & I’m looking forward to my future.

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