Today I climbed a mountain!

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Today I climbed a mountain!
With a wonderful group of kind, loving and supportive ladies, most of whom I met for the first time last night.
This and they are just what I needed right now as I nurse my broken heart.
Break ups are hard. They suck actually!
Especially when you still love the person, we just don’t work, it’s a simple as that.
The old me would have gone out drinking, eaten crap food and basically blocked my emotions anyway I could.
I feel really proud of myself for allowing myself to feel and to cry and for choosing to be around people that lift me up and engage in activities that bring me peace.
I even screamed as loud as I could at the summit.
Screaming isn’t easy for many so it felt good to get it out. Could you scream out loud in front of others?
What’s helping me through is knowing this is just one part of my journey. I know that life is happening for me, not to me. That brings be comfort.
So I’ll learn the lessons, I’ll keep growing and soon I know the hurt will pass.
If you’re going through a break up, here’s a big hug from me to you. You’re going to be just fine.
This too shall pass and you will rise again
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