Well what a year 2020 was!

Well what a year 2020 was!

It was another year of learning and deep healing for me…

I faced aspects of my being that I had long denied and rejected and learned to embrace and love them.

Was it easy?


Was it worth it?


Healing is tough as you go through it.

It’s hard to look at the parts of you that you don’t like and feel that others won’t accept.

But in learning to accept and integrate them they have become more balanced.

I have become more balanced.

I feel more at peace than ever before.

Whilst Covid and the restrictions that came with it at times led to me feeling cut off from life and those I love it also provided me with an opportunity to be still and to go within and for that I am grateful.

It is gratitude, the act of focusing on what I have rather than what I don’t, that has kept me sane.

Every single night for 24 months I have written down what I am grateful for right before bed, this is a habit I will be continuing.

Today I am grateful for –

My health

Those I love and who love me

My open mind

My experiences, all of them

My teachers

My clients past, present and future

What are you grateful for?

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