What a Crock of Cr*p!

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What a crock of cr*p!

Nothing worth having comes easy they said!

I took that one to heart…

I worked myself into the ground believing that to be successful I needed to work longer and harder than the next person.

I believed it was meant to be difficult, I was meant to feel exhausted, I was meant to keep pushing even though I was running on empty.

Only then would I become successful.

But it didn’t go to plan…

I hit a wall, I burned out. I even had to leave my job!

But what if what they said wasn’t true?

What if that was just a limiting belief I had accepted as fact?

What if there was another way?

Turns out there is…

Now I work smarter not harder.

Now I have a healthy work life balance.

Now I have a life outside of work and energy with which to live it!

AND… I’m successful.

Don’t believe everything you’re told…

It really doesn’t have to be that hard!

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