Your results came back normal!


You’re depressed…

You’re a hypochondriac…

They can’t see it so obviously it’s all your mind

I’m talking about invisible illness!

For me it’s an underactive thyroid autoimmune condition.

They couldn’t see it but trust me I could feel it!

My body ached, my head hurt, my throat was sore.

I had digestive issues and rashes galore. The itching was so bad I’d scratch my legs till they bled.

I was bloated, not just my body but my face too, I didn’t look like me.

I was exhausted, but no amount of sleep could even take the edge off. That’s if I could sleep, often it was a case of insomnia.

I couldn’t concentrate and would lose myself half way through a sentence.

I’d feel like my insides were quivering and I could feel my heart beating hard in my chest.

I was always so cold and even had the heating on in the summer!

I was irritable, short tempered and had zero tolerance for stress. Eventually I became anxious and suffered with panic attacks.

And the chronic fatigue… my body was a dead weight. It could come out of nowhere and I’d feel my batteries run out in a matter of seconds.

As you can imagine I felt miserable

BUT my blood tests all came back ‘normal’ and ‘in range’.

Does this ring any bells?

The good news is I don’t feel any of those anymore

I feel happy, healthy, fit and strong

And you can too!

Here’s a few tips on how to start reclaiming your health –

• Become your own health advocate – work with your doctor but understand they have limitations. Time for one and in my experience their priority is disease management not disease prevention or reversal.

• Do your own research and get to know your own body – Knowledge is power!

• Don’t underestimate the ability of the body to heal – it just needs you to give it the right tools.

Don’t be fooled, it’s not in your mind!

Not sure where to start?

Then get in touch because I have been there and come out the other side.

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    How to Swap Stress and Burnout for Mental Clarity and Physical Wellness

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