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Just recently I got an opportunity to notice that I could be trusting myself more fully, specifically my intuition.

I’d had a feeling and pieced together multiple synchronicities but I didn’t speak out loud what my intuition had picked up.

Instead I sat back and watched someone else speak what I already knew!

I felt VERY frustrated with myself (a clear sign I’m not being true to me).

Several years back I was totally disconnected from my intuition, I wouldn’t have known it if it smacked me in the face!

This showed up as a bunch of wrong turns in life, poor decision making and a reliance on other people telling me what to do.

At this time FRUSTRATION could have been my middle name!

Realising how disconnected I was from myself I began a journey of rediscovering my intuition and building trust in it.

This looked like noticing how my intuition presented and then acting on it, at first with smaller and insignificant decisions and then later the bigger stuff.

This recent situation was an opportunity to notice how I can lean even more deeply into trusting myself.

And I’m leaning right in because I’ve collected more than enough evidence of the strength of my intuition!

Frustration is no longer my dominant emotion, it happens only at the fringes now and acts as an important part of my intuition.

?Have you decided it’s time you started trusting yourself more?

?Are you on a journey of reconnecting with yourself?

?Are you ready to become the version of you that directs your own life from the drivers seat?

Well then you’re going to want to check out my upcoming Day Retreat – Embrace The Journey Back To You

Yvonne and I have come together in collaboration to help you –

➡️ Build trust in yourself

➡️ Recognise and use your intuition

➡️ Get clarity on how to move forwards

➡️ Feel like you’re in control of your life

We’re almost half full and have ONLY 1 EARLY BIRD ticket left, act now if you want it!

Once it’s been claimed the offer expires and all remaining tickets will jump up in price.

Use code EB99 – First come first serve!

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