Do you find yourself keep saying yes even though you’re already feeling under it?

Do you find yourself keep saying yes even though you’re already feeling under it?

That was me, ever keen to please!

Keen to prove to others that I could do it all, that I was good enough.

If I said no surely that’s would scream ‘I can’t cope’.

At work, the more I took on the more hours I had to work to get it all done.

I’d work long days and take work home with me too.

Come the weekend I was worn out but I had the same pattern in my personal life.

I’d be exhausted but if someone else needed help or a favour I’d scrape myself off the sofa and go help them.

It’s rude to say no isn’t it?

I’d say yes to everyone except myself.

I’d give to everyone except myself.

How long can that go on?

Years actually…

Until one day your body and brain say ENOUGH!!

There will be warning signs along the way of course but if you’re like I was, you’ll ignore them.

You’ll ignore them until your body literally stops you in your tracks!

Are you caught in a pattern of over giving to everyone except yourself?

Are you ready to let go of that shit?

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