Do you watch the news or read newspapers?


Do you watch the news or read newspapers?

I haven’t for years and don’t plan to either.

It’s all miserable, dreary news…

I figure if it’s really important or significant someone will tell me!

I’ve chosen to remove it from my life because it’s a source of stress.

I had one client who was terrified at the state of the world, she couldn’t watch the news as it would keep her awake at night.

You see stress is cumulative, it’s all the little things that add up. Let alone the big things!

She had various stresses in her life –

No work/life balance
Work itself
Not feeling good enough
Feeling exhausted all the time

Which led to her stress response being triggered and effectively stuck in the ‘on’ position…

When we’re in a state of stress response we are in high alert and super vigilant, ready to protect ourselves against danger!

And this is why she was so distressed when seeing bad news reports.

But we were able to work on and minimise her sources of stress, plus give her some coping tools.

And we supported her body in switching off the stress response so the on/off button works as it should.

She’s no longer lying awake at night with worry as now her core level of stress is down, she has a much greater tolerance for stress.

Signs that your body is stuck in the stress ‘on’ position –

Sleep issues
Brain fog
Can’t sit still
Sugar and salt cravings
Low willpower
Digestive issues
Hormonal imbalances
Belly fat
Low sex drive

How many of these can you relate to?

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