I just burst into tears as I’m sat in Starbucks.

I just burst into tears as I’m sat in Starbucks.

My friend who is looking after my daughter today sent me pictures of them out exploring.

Despite the public setting I allowed the tears to come and I acknowledge the feelings as they rose up.

Guilt ?

Guilt that it isn’t me out exploring with her.

Love ❤️

An an overwhelming sense of love for my daughter.

Then I gave myself an emotional hug and allowed my knowing that I’m here in Starbucks on a Sunday so that I can create a life for her, for us, that is stable and secure and full of opportunities because that’s what we deserve.

You see growth comes at a cost…

Hardly anyone has a bunch of spare time ?

Next to no one has a coaching budget ?

Yet when you are committed to creating a life you love, with those you love, you take the short term hits.

You miss out on Sunday walks…

You scale back in other areas so that you can invest in your healing and learning…

You do anything and everything you have to.

And when it costs you in this way…

You show the f#ck up.

You make every every minute away from your daughter count and you make every penny of investment be the penny that makes the difference to the life you share together.

You create the life you love to live ?

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