I’m back in the game!

I’m back in the game!

My whole world got flipped upside down 12 weeks ago, in the best way 💗

With the arrival of my baby girl all of my routines and self care exited.

I have an autoimmune illness called Hashimotos which results in an under active thyroid.

These days I’m symptom free, that’s because I changed my life and make sure I eat real well, sleep enough, take time out and indulge in a number of self care practices.

Well I did… before I became a mum.

All that went out the window!

There’s been very little sleep 😴

Days where I’ve not eaten enough and what I have eaten has been below my usual standard.

I’ve definitely eaten more sugar than I would have usually (not gonna beat myself up I just needed to get through).

And yoga hasn’t even been an option…

Between pregnancy and the first twelve weeks with a newborn my body has really been through it.

It’s held up really well, I’ve been pleasantly surprised!

I’ve had no symptoms rear their ugly head and my energy has been surprisingly great.

I believe that’s because the core of my routine of good food remains in tact.

But my health is not to be taken for granted.

If I don’t give my body the love it needs and deserves then it will start to let me know.

I don’t want to get to that point.

So now more than ever I need to practice what I preach…

Self care and self love! 💗

It’s a challenge with little people to take care of so for me it’s all about the batch cooking and preparing.

That way there’s always an abundance of good and nutritious food to fuel my body when I need it.

How do you ensure you are able to look after yourself when time is off the essence?

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