Not giving a crap about what other people think, is a skill that you can learn.

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Not giving a crap about what other people think, is a skill that you can learn.

As someone who burned out under the weight of trying to shoehorn myself into other peoples beliefs about me and life, I find myself chuckling following a conversation where it’s quite clear the other person thinks my views are crazy.

I’m chuckling because I’m so totally okay with this and it feels so freaking freeing.

At every part of my journey of coming home to my true self, I have experienced judgement, criticism and even eye rolling at my ‘out of the ordinary’ choices.

From the food I eat, the natural medicines I favour, my unshakable belief that every ailment has an emotional root, and my spiritual views.

Ironically is it’s often the same people that later ask me about my alternative choices and how they can use them in their own lives.

This is a message for all those women who like former versions of myself, feel challenged to fully embrace the ways in which you are different, unique and weird…

I invite you to stay true to you and sharpen the skill of not giving a crap about what other people think so that you can liberate yourself too.

I’ve been called weird many times in my life and it’s hurt me deeply.

Today calling me weird is just about the highest compliment you can pay me!

We’ve made just 10 spaces available for this and there’s only 3 EARLY BIRD tickets left!

(Item #1 is epic!!)

But first, who is this for?

Are you a woman on a journey of finding your voice?

Are you a woman embracing your uniqueness?

Are you a woman breaking free of the shackles of conformity?

Are you a woman reclaiming your energy by only giving to what lights you up?

Are you a woman with a burning inner desire to feel free to be yourself, that you can no longer ignore?


My clients tell me they love the range of wisdom and modalities available to them inside my membership and how this is improving their life.

They’re also desiring more in person access to healing tools to complement their wellness practices.

This was our goal.

Yvonne and I wanted to create an event where women could leave their life at the door to focus solely on themselves and get direct access to us and our unique blend of teachings, coaching and healing gifts.

? 6 hours nourishing YOU in a picturesque village in Surrey

? A magical Masterclass on Self Awareness bursting with potent teachings to help you connect to your authentic essence

? Powerful reflective journaling tools so you can uncover more of who you are, and identify any obstacles to freely expressing yourself

? A beautiful Cacao journey and guided meditation in which you’ll rediscover and enhance your intuition and body wisdom

? Hands on energy healing to soothe and regulate your body so that its own healing ability can kick in, as well as surfacing and releasing emotional blocks

? Freeing and releasing somatic movement to help you release pent up emotions and tension draining your energy, and to bring you into a state of joy and being present


All attendees get priority booking for our next retreat…

And you are going to want to book the next one after experiencing this deeply relaxing and mind opening day!

Early Bird Offer available – ONLY 3 left!

This offer will disappear once they have been claimed.

Early Bird: £99
Full Price: £144
Date: Saturday 13th July
Location: Outwood, Surrey

Email me if you need details to claim your spot.

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