
Meditation, yoga, self help books, dietary changes etc are great for temporary relief ?‍♀️ ? ?

But without the inner work too, mediocrity persists!

A reliance on only external tools is an avoidance of the real work, the inner work that connects us to our feelings, shadows, traumas and desires.

Trust me I know this because it’s exactly how I spent the first years of my ‘healing’ journey and it kept me in a loop of things being better than they were but still mediocrity bound…

For profound and lasting peace of mind and health you have to be brave and courageous in looking at your patterns, behaviours, thoughts, shortcomings, rejected parts, coping mechanisms and unconscious ways of being – yep all that dark, shadowy and uncomfortable as f@ck stuff! ?

The way to create genuine love and light is NOT avoidantly only focusing on the positive…

It’s embracing the dark so that light can be let in there.

Think walking into a dark and dingy room to open the curtains and windows to reveal a bright sunny day.

The sunshine is only visible when you first make the move to fully enter the room ☀️

50 self help books just won’t cut it I’m sorry to say…

You have got to get in the room!

It’s not for everyone right now and for some even in this lifetime, and that’s ok.

But if you are a women ready to transcend mediocrity and open yourself to experience JOY, VITALITY and EMOTIONAL FREEDOM by seeing yourself as sovereign and embracing the magic to be found in your internal world, the Vitalise! Membership could be the perfect

compliment to your courage ?

As a member you will be guided by a team of experts (at your own pace) to connect with your inner world and to know yourself in a way that no amount of ‘self care’ doing activities alone will ever give you.

I’ve hand-picked each expert and modality for the membership to provide you with the support, knowledge and tools to really do the inner work so that your experience of life drastically improves, because one thing I know for certain is we didn’t happen here to live in mediocrity, don’t sell yourself short!


?As a nod to STRESS AWARENESS MONTH you can get full access to Vitalise! for only £44 for the first month, that’s a mere £1.46 a day!

Your daily coffee fix for a short lasted high costs you more than this!?

Supercharge your great f@cking life journey for a bargain £44 (cancel anytime) just use code SAM44 when you grab your membership.

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    How to Swap Stress and Burnout for Mental Clarity and Physical Wellness

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