The last couple of months were an intense crescendo…

natalie may 20

I’ve shed so many layers of who I used to be to uncover the next expression of who I really am.

Coming home to our authentic self is a big task and some days it feels very heavy and dense, especially in the void space between who you were and who you are becoming.

I wanted to share with you the tools I use to support myself through these intense periods of growth in case they’ll help you too ?


?Speaking about it with trusted counsel to release the burden of shame and isolation

?Allowing myself to receive support in balance with owning my sovereignty

?Meditation to really connect with my thoughts, slow my mind and receive internal wisdom and intuition

?Being honest with myself about the circumstance I’m working through and the part I played to create and sustain it

?Journaling to unload, introspect and deepen the relationship with myself

?Allowing myself to acknowledge and feel any intense emotions and then tap into the thinking that created them

?Dancing and moving my body to release tension, move stagnant energy and raise my vibration

?Energy healing to shift energetic and emotional blocks, rebalance my energy centres and rewire my core programming

?Being in nature because it’s beautiful, soothing and grounding and really supports being present

?Breathwork to release stress and trauma so that my nervous system can regulate and be more resilient to stressors

?Staying focused on who I need to be/become to bring to life my vision for myself for my future

?Seeking the lesson that is happening FOR me so that I can alchemise the lesson and stay in an empowered mindset
If you feel called to receive support right now, these are the ways I’m currently working with women –

?Throat Chakra Energy Healing: ?

One hour healing conducted on zoom.

Only 3 spots available at an introductory price of £33. Valid for May only.

?Vitalise! Membership:?

A guided and self paced support system to help you build a loving and self aware relationship with yourself, coupled with a range of healing modalities from a team of experts.

I also have a limited availability for 1-2-1 immersive support for the fully committed women. DM me to apply.

Message me to book, become a member or enquire.

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    How to Swap Stress and Burnout for Mental Clarity and Physical Wellness

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