3 Ways A Regular Breathwork Practice Can Support You

As a woman you often juggle multiple roles and responsibilities…

Which can leave you feeling stressed and emotionally dysregulated.

With this pressure on you to be all things to all people it’s no wonder you find yourself navigating life with your head rather than your intuition, which can lead to a series of wrong turns and feeling disconnected from yourself.

It’s pretty stressful to feel out of sync with yourself and the life you crave right?

On top of this you have hormonal fluctuations to contend with, also affected by the aforementioned stresses, which affects your physical energy and mood.


Here are 3 ways a regular breathwork practice can support you as a women to feel more peaceful, balanced and resilient.

✡️ Reduces stress by activating your body’s relaxation response, lowering cortisol levels. Breathwork helps you to release tension and process emotions so that you feel calmer and have a greater sense of emotional wellbeing

✡️ Supports hormonal balance by activating the parasympathetic nervous system getting you out of the fight or flight response and into rest and digest where your body can heal and thrive. Specific techniques can relieve cramps, mood swings and fatigue too.

✡️ Restores the balance between mind and body helping you to get out of your head and into your body more so tap into your intuition, giving you greater ability to navigate your life with clarity and purpose.

Every month inside the Vitalise! Membership you get exclusive access to a breathwork session with our resident expert Anna De Vere who takes us on a journey of relaxation and rejuvenation.

You will learn breathwork techniques to apply to your daily life for restoring your health, calming your mind, growing your resilience and increasing your capacity for more ease and joy in life.

Become a member of our thriving community today and get access to this amazing life enhancing healing modality as well as so much more!

Send me a message if you want more info 💜

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    How to Swap Stress and Burnout for Mental Clarity and Physical Wellness

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