5 journal prompts I’ll be using this new moon solar eclipse in Aries ⬇️

8 apr

🌙 The theme of this new moon solar eclipse in Aries is embracing courage and self-assertion to break through fear, self doubt and limitations so that you can embark on a new chapter, stepping boldly into the unknown.

♈️ Enjoy an injection of enthusiasm to embrace your passions and pursue your goals with unwavering commitment.

Remember passions and goals come in all shapes and sizes; Improved health, greater fitness, better balanced relationships, more patient parenting, career change, a new hobby, stopping something, starting something…

Whatever it is that your heart desires, it’s time to allow yourself to have it!


📝 What is the big thing I want to do/be/have but fear is getting in the way?

📝 What wounds/traumas/insecurities are contributing to the fear I feel about taking my next bold steps to create the big thing?

📝 What part of me/my life has to die for my new identity/life to be born?

📝 Where do I see myself in 18 months time?

📝 Who do I need to become (habits, beliefs, behaviours) to realise my vision for 18 months time?

This is a great portal to really get to know yourself on a deeper level; your desires, your fears, your strength of character.

If you would enjoy more support just like this from me hop into my FREE group Becoming You.

And if you would value a guide in your corner and the power of accountability at this time REBIRTH would be perfect for you right now.

I’ve opened up three spots for April to help you overcome those hurdles that have been holding you back for too long.

Let’s connect with your desires, shine a light on your fears and supercharge your courage so that you can stride with pride into your next exciting chapter.

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