
I was nursing a hangover the other day ?

The vulnerability kind as I had posted a video on my story of me naked…

Just kidding but I did feel a bit naked!

I had done a little yoga in my pjs and recorded it and you could see my rounded tummy and love handles when my t-shirt rose up.

Oh the shame!

You see the conditioning got me too – I must look like the hot girls I see on social media…PRESSURE!

Lots of self love and healing has led me to this point where I am able to post the video whilst also noticing the inner habitual judgement ?

A previous version of me would have posted the video and then repeatedly checked back to see who and how many people were judging me! ? and then tortured myself mentally.

And a previous previous version of me wouldn’t have posted it at all.

I continue to be on a journey of repairing the relationship with my body and learning to love and accept it exactly as it is at any given time.

In the past I have hated my body and treated it poorly – Too little food, too much food, too little exercise, too much exercise, way too much sugar, not enough sleep, alcohol, drugs…

I wasn’t kind to my body because I didn’t appreciate it or respect it.

I didn’t like it because it didn’t look the way I wanted it to ? I wanted it to look different so I could feel worthy, enough and lovable.

As I have learned to be kinder and more accepting of myself, my relationship with my body has changed for the better.

And the positive effect of self kindness has rippled out through the rest of my life too.

I no longer feel compelled to be more, do more and be different in every aspect of life.

I can just be me ?

I can feel enough?

I can love me as I am ?

And this keeps me out of the OVERWHELM, ANXIETY and BURNOUT that used to plague me as I took on the impossible quest of being the perfect human in the eyes of all.

Now I feel FREE and more CONFIDENT than ever before so the pictures with this post are my equivalent of the hair of the dog! ?

My stomach is wobbly and I have love handles, oh and cellulite too and I am still f*cking beautiful, amazing, enough, worthy and lovable ???

If you are at a point where you want to take self love from an intellectual concept to actually embodying it…

Actually living life able to like and love yourself as you in any moment and in the process free yourself from burnout I would love to connect with you.

I am currently taking applications for 1-2-1 coaching, to be considered please message me or book a complimentary 15 minute consultation here.

I want to show you how to love you well because you deserve to feel great too ?

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    How to Swap Stress and Burnout for Mental Clarity and Physical Wellness

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