Are you feeling inspired to make shit happen?

Ahhh there’s such an exciting energy in the air!

After many months of feeling sluggish are you starting to feel your motivation return?

Are you feeling inspired to make shit happen?

Me too!

We have the Spring Equinox today and the new moon tomorrow to thank for this new surge of energy…

(actually there’s a lot more to it, so much happening astrologically, come and join my group here for more detail).

I’ve been spring cleaning and decluttering my house over the weekend!

I’m clearing out the old to make way for the new…

And our physical environment is very important yet it’s not the only area of life that needs cleaning and clearing.

Our minds and our energy need this regularly too for optimal living!

So I have also been leaning into self reflection, journaling and showing up vulnerably when being coached myself to receive powerful support and breakthroughs…

As well as almost daily clearing of my energy with Reiki.

I’m already feeling clearer in my mind!

I am more focused on what I want and how to get it!

I have more energy!

I feel more confident!

I’m ready for new experiences in life because I have cleared the way and made space for them ?

And I want to help you do the same so I’ve been guided to offer a…

until the end of the week – Sunday 26th March.

To support you in spring cleaning your mind and energy I am offering –
20% off of my POWER HOUR single coaching sessions


20% of my REIKI HEALING three session bundle

If you fancy an extra spring in your step?

Focus and clarity on creating that which you want?

More fire in your belly?

Send me a message with the words SPRING EQUINOX PROMOTION to enquire?

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