Burnout shocks us into action

If you burned out once you’ll burnout again…

Burnout shocks us into action.

We redress the imbalances in life. We eat better, do more exercise, rest more and be more mindful.

And then after a time we burnout again!

This time we catch it earlier, we won’t fall so far into the black hole but we will repeatedly teeter on the edge.

This repeating cycle is limiting, it acts as a glass ceiling.

Just when you think your wellness is more robust and you go for that next level in life…

Bam ? it strikes again taking the wind out of your sails!

Because whilst external factors were balanced, the beliefs and subconscious behaviours that created the imbalances in the first place have not be addressed, so the imbalances creep back in.

To finally free oneself from the boom and bust cycle of burnout we are called to go within.

To heal and evolve from the inside out.

It’s the ticket to your enduring vitality.

I go deeper on this very topic tomorrow on zoom.

Register for your free place (and automatic link to the replay) to go on a deep dive into the the underlying factors of burnout and how you can finally break free.

I bring the wisdom of my own deep and lengthy burnout and that gleaned from the many women I have coached from burnout to vitality over the last 5 years.

This potent session is filled with transformational wisdom and practical steps to bring yourself back to a place of feeling revitalised.

To register for free click here.

Date – Friday 11th August
Time – 12pm GMT
Where – Zoom

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    How to Swap Stress and Burnout for Mental Clarity and Physical Wellness

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