I find myself somewhere between who I was and who I am becoming…

This round of death and rebirth has been intense, I’ve been moving through so many emotions.

To become the highest, happiest version of myself I have to kill off parts of myself that no longer serve me.

Old ways of being, old thought patterns, old beliefs.

My ego, the fearful part of me, wants to stay where I am even though I’ve outgrown it, because it’s familiar and this brings a level of perceived comfort.

But my soul has other ideas. She is ready to shine.

I can do this the hard way – resist the growth and transformation creating a state of frustration and struggle…

Or I can surrender and lean in.

And today I made the conscious choice to surrender.

I took myself off into nature knowing its healing power.

My nervous system settled as I took deep breaths, felt the calmness of the water and then wandered up into the woods.

As I placed my hands on the tree that called to me I felt myself become more grounded.

I felt my frustrations over the work I have done in my inner world, not yet showing in my outer world fall away as I looked at the trees around me and was reminded of their deep roots which allowed them to rise high and how the roots were forming underground long before there was any evidence above ground.

I found my peace in the storm.

You see this is not my first rodeo.

I’ve been going through death and rebirth cycles to uncover my happiest and truest self for many years now.

I know how to dig in, how to support myself and be supported through them.

I know the validity of them and how life on the other side tastes even sweeter.

My personal experience with transformation makes me a powerful facilitator of transformation for others.

Are you ready to rise?

I currently have capacity to work with three more women 1-2-1.

Are you are looking to work in close proximity with a coach for a profound period of healing and transformation?

Are you ready to love yourself and believe in yourself like never before so that you can create the life you desire?

If you are interested in claiming one of these places please book in for a 15 minute consultation to be considered.

If you’d like to know more about other ways I can support you on your journey please contact me.

We rise stronger when we rise together 💜

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    How to Swap Stress and Burnout for Mental Clarity and Physical Wellness

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