I was disillusioned!!

I thought I had it all figured out, how wrong I was…

I’m smiling at my own naivety as I read this memory.

In fairness to myself at that point I did love myself more than I ever had, I did care less about other peoples opinions than I ever had and I was more myself at that point than I had ever been.

Yet I was unaware of just how far away from my true self I still was at that time.

I was unaware of how deep the self abandonment ran.

I was unaware of how many expectations from other people about how I should be in the world were still ingrained in me.

I couldn’t see how I was still needing external validation of my enoughness, whether it was the way I looked, how many likes I got, how many clients I had, my relationship status or my bank balance…

Today I feel so much freer, more liberated and so much more myself than the woman who wrote the post four years ago.

I feel so much happier.

I’m also much more aware there’s more I’m not aware of…

I recognise that in a year from now I will have unpacked even more layers of inauthenticity currently not in my awareness and I’ll feel even more liberated and joyful.

You see being authentic and living as your true self doesn’t happen at the click of your fingers, it’s a journey.

A journey I’ve come to love both for myself and for the learnings and wisdoms I can pass on to other women committed to their journey of self discovery.

In my journey to my true self I discovered this is my purpose in life. It’s what lights me up.

I know that helping women to really love themselves, to know themselves and to create a life they absolutely love living is the imprint I will leave on this earth.

It’s who I came here to be. So it’s who I be ?

There are currently a couple of ways we can work together to co create you taking the next steps in your journey, to activate your next layer of awareness and true self expression so that you can experience more joy –

The Journey Back To You
8 week group coaching container
Starts January
1-2-1 deep dive immersive coaching
High impact transformation

Send me a message here for more details

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    How to Swap Stress and Burnout for Mental Clarity and Physical Wellness

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