Is it possible to be disconnected from your body and yet connected to life?

Is it possible to be disconnected from your body and yet connected to life?


Your body gives you life. Without it there is no life…

Signs you have a body disconnect –

  • Not feeding yourself when hungry/Over eating when full
  • Not sleeping or resting enough
  • Ignoring pain and symptoms
  • Weak immunity/health complaints
  • Disfiguring your body to meet ideals
  • Beating your body with exercise
  • Addictions and compulsive behaviours
  • Anxiety

Sadly we are encouraged to separate the mind and body.

Traditional therapy pays no attention to the body and traditional medicine pays no attention to the mind.

We are encouraged to rule the body with the mind rather than utilise the innate intelligence of the body and operate the two in tandem.

Bringing connection and balance to the relationship between mind and body serves to feed your soul increasing how much joy you experience, how connected you are to others and how healthy you feel.

With a powerful combination of mind, body and soul coaching I can help you to reconnect these fundamental elements and to create a life you love.

When you’re ready and willing, reach out so that we can discuss how I can help you to experience life more fully ?

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