I’ve struggled with boundaries my whole life…

I’ve struggled with boundaries my whole life…

I’ve often said yes when I wanted to say no.

I experienced a lot of resentment because of this.

I didn’t value my own needs as I believed to receive love and approval I had to meet the needs of others.

Even when they didn’t want me to…

That always confused me because that’s how we love isn’t…?

We help them and they help us!

So not only did I allow my boundaries to be crossed but I also crossed the boundaries of others in providing unsolicited help and advice.

I’d feel rejected and unloved when it wasn’t received the way I’d hoped.

I’d find myself in unbalanced relationships, not just romantic ones but with friends and family too.

I’d feel taken for granted, unappreciated, uncared for and pretty worn out with all the martyrdom

Since learning that love comes from within me and not without in another person…

Since learning to meet my own needs (without feeling selfish) and allowing others to meet their own needs too…

I’ve become happier.

I’ve got more energy.

I’ve got healthy boundaries.

I don’t get resentful.

I enjoy more balanced relationships.

I feel more love.

I’m passionate about supporting women to learn to love themselves first.

So that they can feel amazing too 🥰

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