Natalie Shaul


Last night I went to dinner with a friend, it was a lovely fish restaurant and she really wanted to order prawn cocktail and chips, but she didn’t.

Because she was worried it was weird…

Instead she ordered something else and was underwhelmed by it.

Incidentally she later noticed the chap on the table next to us did order prawn cocktail and chips – not that weird after all!

But even if it was… so what!

My dear friend felt the need to order something she didn’t really want so as to appease unspoken and assumed expectations from a bunch of strangers.

And more generally across her whole life she feels she has to alter herself and shelve her desires to suit the expectations, real or perceived, of others.

And she is not alone! This theme is very real and very alive for a large majority of women.

Women have been programmed to be good and pleasing and it’s hurting them.

They are stressed, tired, unwell, anxious, depressed, unfulfilled and stuck in an unwanted rut in many areas of their life.

Did you know women are 80% more likely to get an autoimmune condition?

Isn’t this a shocking statistic…

And it’s nothing to do with their physical make up and everything to do with the fact they take responsibility for how others feel and neglect themselves to do so.

I speak from experience here. I am one of the 80% of women with an autoimmune condition.

7 years ago I was so stuck, sick, anxious and unfulfilled.

Fortunately I have been symptom free for many years now, I feel peaceful and trusting and I feel and am empowered to take the reins in my life.

I attribute this to reprogramming myself on many levels, all stemming back to the knowing and embodying of the fact that I matter at least as much as anyone else.

Learning to truly value myself with a deep level of self awareness has released me from subconscious programming and behaviours that stand in the way of having a great life in which I am happy, healthy, vibrant, fulfilled and thriving.

So if you want to want to be a version of you that orders the bloody prawn cocktail and chips…

Or wears the bloody dress that others might judge…

Or does the bloody job that lights you up but is frowned upon by others…

Or whatever the thing is that you would do if you just did raw, unfiltered and wonderful you!!

Drop me a message and ask me how I can help you become who you really are without the good girl and people pleasing so that you can wake up every day to a life you feel great in 💜

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