You can have a choice.

You can have a choice.

Without it you’re a slave!

I’m sitting here with the intention of some creative time for my business.

And it’s not happening!

What is happening is an internal buzz, a sort of tension that is hard to put into words, a heaviness in my chest and a cloudy head that’s being easily distracted.

This could go one of two ways…

Old me –

Be so used to these sensations I would think nothing of it.

Push on through the allotted time, get fuck all done and then feel shit at the end of it!

Current me –

Notice the sensations and lack of concentration.

Sit back in my chair for some deep breaths and self inquiry.

What’s going on here Nat?

Ah you have an old belief that you are not creative!

And because you wrote ‘creative time’ in your schedule the belief has come out to play!

Self doubt is creating perfectionism and this is creating nothing…

I have a choice in how I respond to this old and outdated belief because I have cultivated a version of me that is self aware.

A me that is able to tune into the cues from my body and ask what they are they showing me.

A me that is able to be an observer of myself.

Without of this self awareness I would have no choice in how I respond, I would be a slave to the limiting beliefs simmering below the surface and the unconscious responses to them.

I am empowered!

You deserve to have the choice to be empowered too.

If you’re ready to step into this version of you I would love to co create with you.

You can send me a message to talk about the options for coaching with me or go ahead a book a discovery call?

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    How to Swap Stress and Burnout for Mental Clarity and Physical Wellness

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