30 mar

Just came across a post in a parenting group from a woman who had read she should stop breastfeeding her child to sleep and she was asking for opinions…

My opinion is this:

The only thing you SHOULD do is what your instincts and intuition guide you to do and you are invited to disregard everything else!

The challenge here is most of us have been programmed to NOT use our own discernment based on the wisdom of our body and inner knowing..

Instead we have been told to make decisions with our head based on logic and reason which is mostly a concoction of other people’s opinions.

So we wind up making decisions we otherwise wouldn’t have and wonder why one day we wake up feeling totally disconnected from the life we have created for ourselves!

Being able to use your own discernment means reconnecting with your body so that you can hear your intuition.

It also means building up the trust in yourself and the guidance of your intuition.

It’s like a muscle it needs working to get stronger.

You will also have to build up the courage to overcome other people’s mindsets to honour your intuition in the face of objections.

If you’re wanting a safe space to really connect with yourself, tune into your body, and hear and trust your intuition so that you can steer your life in the direction your soul is calling for…

Amongst a community of women on a similar journey and so supportive of your authentic and unique expression…

Whilst also getting expert advice, mentorship and healing techniques that will transform your experience of life to one that feels like it’s your own and really fills you up?

Ask me about Vitalise! Membership and how you can become a member.

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