How do you cope with difficult situations?

How do you cope with difficult situations?

This is a question I asked in my Facebook group “Love Your Life” recently

One reply talked about turning to chocolate 🍫

With curiosity I asked if this helped, to which the reply was only short term and it created an issue with her weight.

So her solution for difficulty didn’t really work and actually created more difficulty…

On asking if she knew how she would like to respond instead, she answered no.

This is a very common situation.

You don’t want to binge eat…

You don’t want to drink wine every night…

You don’t want to have negative thoughts…

You don’t want to [insert your repeating challenge)…

And yet you can’t stop.

You might even try to replace said behaviour with something new but it’s short lived and you find yourself defaulting back to your old ways.

Does this sound familiar?

I am highly skilled in coaching women to break patterns and behaviours causing suffering and misery in their lives.

I help them to create long lasting change that results in living in more happiness.

If the above resonated with you?

You need my help.

If you were able to make this change alone you would have been able to do it already.

Send me a message to book your session đź’ś

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