I thought I hated raisins for like my whole life!

I thought I hated raisins for like my whole life!

Turns out, I recently discovered, that I really like them 😋

I wonder what else I’ve been ruling out (missing out on) in life thinking I don’t like it…

Committed to staying curious 💜

Committed to not knowing 💜

Committed to opening myself up to new experiences 💜

PS. I used to say I KNOW all the time, like my life was dependent on it… turns out it was my worth that was dependent on my knowing.

I’d feel stupid, useless and embarrassed when I didn’t know.

What I didn’t know that I didn’t know… was this pattern created a closed mind and that created a limited experience of life!

PPS. If you want to expand your experience of life and open yourself up to new delights drop me a message to talk about how I can help you find the confidence to live in the bliss that is the not knowing 💜

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