My Soul Purpose Reading

Wrapped up in a cozy blanket with a candle on the go and sage burning, tucking into delicious and healthy food whilst I put together a Soul Purpose Reading I will deliver later this week.

I so enjoy doing these readings as they truly help a person to see themselves.

Who they really are beneath the expectations, self rejection, conditioning and traumas.

They illuminate their unique gifts and talents and also the areas in which they are going to need to be aware of and grow in so they can come into a way of being that feels harmonious to them.

My Soul Purpose Reading is a powerful tool for self inquiry which brings wisdom, and with wisdom comes the ability to have a meaningful life.

I’d love to help you understand how to come into your most aligned and authentic self for the happiness and health that is your birth right.

If you are ready to claim them now send me a message to ask me more 💜

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