NO she is not a good girl. She is just a girl!

A sure fire way to irk me is to ask if my daughter is a good girl or to go ahead and call her one…

Listen up 👂🏽

NO she is not a good girl. She is just a girl!

I will not shame certain characteristics, behaviours or emotions.

I will not train her to become who I nor society expects her to be.

I simply hold space for her to be who she is naturally and provide her with love and guidance so that she can learn healthy ways to express all of her emotions and all of who she is and isn’t.

Good girls burn out.

I know this because I was one and I burned out big time!

Good girls aren’t real girls… They live a lie!

Good girls create a persona to fit into the mould.

They change their personality, their behaviour, their appearance and base their decisions on what will please others.

Good girls have little freaking clue who they are or what they want because they are trained to be only what other people expect.

It’s exhausting I tell you!

And it’s sneaky you know. So many of the women I coach think they have bucked the trend but this good girl programming is covert and lurks beneath our awareness…

So I take a very firm stand for my daughter, myself and all the other women out there who were made to feel they should be anything other than who they are.

This good girl rebelled and is leading the way for women to shake off all the shoulds and expectations!

To speak up and honour their truth regardless of what others think…

To put down the responsibility for other people’s feelings and needs and to make themselves a priority…

To say no guilt free…

To feel able to rest and be still without judgement…

To reconnect with what they need and want irrespective of others…

To experience pleasure just because they can…

To know themselves on a deep level and feel safe to be themselves…

To feel able to look however they look and still feel enough…

To feel free to live life on their terms…

I coach women who know they are ready for more, who want to experience a fuller life and increase their vitality by aligning with their true selves.

I serve them powerfully by helping them see all the ways they can come into fuller expression of their uniqueness and leave their beautiful one of a kind imprint on this earth so that they can live a life that feels purposeful and makes them feel truly lit up 🔥

If you are that woman?

There’s a couple of ways we can work together right now…

⚡️Zest For Life 1-2-1 Coaching

Burnout is the point at which you are most distant from your authentic and aligned self, this immersive coaching experience is designed to swing the pendulum in the complete opposite direction 🔥

We raise your energy so that you have more mental, emotional and physical resilience, and more capacity for life 🔥

We deep dive into what underpins you feeling burned out and all the ways in which you are not aligned with who you really are. With me to keep you conscious and accountable you’ll create and embed new ways of thinking and being so that burnout is no longer an option 🔥

We focus on creating the future you truly desire, in which you are in authentic expression and aligned with your soul purpose so that your newly re-lit inner spark continues to burn brightly🔥

Message me for more details and to book a complimentary 15 minute consultation call.

⚡️Vitalise! Membership

Vitalise! is a transformative virtual membership for women on a profound journey of self-love and acceptance, empowerment, and great health. Here, you’ll discover a wealth of tools and resources, accountability and community designed to help you break free from overwhelm, anxiety, stress and burnout 💜

No matter where you are on your journey, whether you are new to discovering your soul self or you are several seasons in, this self paced one stop solution is designed to support you mind, body and soul 💜

With a monthly Hot Topic Kit, Reiki Healing, Breathwork session, Group Coaching and loving community… we have got you covered 💜

Become a member and get more info HERE.

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    How to Swap Stress and Burnout for Mental Clarity and Physical Wellness

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