Are you too busy for joy?

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Are you too busy for joy?

In a fast paced life where we feel overworked and overwhelmed it can seem challenging to make time for experiencing joy.

You know that feeling of happiness and pleasure?

Or maybe you don’t, perhaps it’s been so long you’ve forgotten what it feels like!

I mean it seems like a nice idea but who has the time for it…

When there’s always something to be done or somewhere to go we find it hard to prioritise even just a few minutes to slow down to feel the warm sunshine on our skin or to stop and appreciate the beauty of nature.

A lack of joy in our life is actually bad for our health….

Increased risk of heart attack, higher cholesterol, greater stress levels and it may even shorten your life!

If we aren’t here to experience joy what are we here to do?

Work, work, work, work?

I hope not!

Finding time for joy in our lives not only gives us a healthy work/life balance but will actually increase our efficiency and effectiveness when we are at work.

So how can we create joy in our life?

Revisit what you loved as a kid – colouring, arts and crafts, dancing, singing, exploring the outdoors…

Slow down – be aware of what’s around you. Take in the beauty of nature, hear the laughter around you, notice smiles on the faces of those you love.

Be grateful – end each day with a note of what you’re grateful for in your life, don’t forget to appreciate the little things (eyes with which to see, a warm bed to sleep in). You can’t be grateful and unhappy at the same time!

Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves the recognise how good things really are – Marianne Williamson

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