How many times a day do you think and say what you DON’T want?

How many times a day do you think and say what you DON’T want?

Versus how many times you think and say what you DO want?

Try these swaps, your brain will try to create that which you believe!

❌ I feel tired all the time…

✅ I wake up feeling refreshed

❌ I have no energy…

✅ I feel energised

❌ I am stuck with this illness

✅ My body is healing and repairing

I know this works because it’s a personally tried and tested method.

Today I am symptom free and feel better than I ever remember, but 6 years ago was a different story.

I have a chronic illness by way of an autoimmune under active thyroid…

Every night before I fell asleep I would spend several minutes imagining healthy cells travelling to my thyroid to repair it.

I would also imagine myself energetically doing cartwheels 🤸‍♀️

I would affirm my body’s ability to heal.

Your brain, like mine did, will make this happen.

Think placebo effect…

And belief’s driving actions (finding the right support, remedies, foods etc..)

The focus of your mind is everything.

Remember energy flows where attention goes ⚡️⚡️⚡️

Want to heal your body? Start with your mind.

What have you got to loose?

Very little versus a potentially massive upside!

I know which basket I would put my eggs in…!

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    How to Swap Stress and Burnout for Mental Clarity and Physical Wellness

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